Chronic Pain Management.
We plan for your recovery, rather than leaving it to chance
For those who have been (and are) experiencing pain lasting for a longer time than expected, we are not here to tell you your issues are simple and offer you a “quick (temporary) fix”. We are here to tell you that your efforts will be valued and we are here to support you throughout your journey of recovery.
We understand the mental health impact chronic pain can have, and its social implications. Scan results, different diagnosis, ineffective medication and a range of proposed treatments become more frustrating when they do not appear to work. We will help to put everything in perspective in search for the answers you are looking for.
Our approach is always evolving; adapting with your beliefs and experiences, influenced by the current research, and applied through our knowledge and practical abilities.
We will help you to understanding your physical impairments, mental barriers and formulate a comprehensive management plan for recovery. Most importantly, we will explain to you “Why your pain is lasting longer? ” and “How can it be overcome?”. Have a look at our Resources page for more information.
Our approach consists of these fundamentals:
Mind: Understanding modern science about pain and the steps to achieve improvement;
Body: Restoring your physical capacity - Reconditioning your body through gradual strengthening process based on your limiting factors;
Spirit: Support and advice to help you regain confidence and vision of recovery.
Principles of exercise therapy and mindfulness are seamlessly incorporated in our approach. We are always thinking about the next step and formulating the strategy to reach your next goal.
Most importantly, our approach to Pain Management is always incorporated during our treatment sessions and is our standard of care.
Feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help.