Our Philosophy, Our Practice

It is our belief and practice that everyone has the potential for recover by understanding the reason behind pain and the impact of the injury. Through years of training martial arts and working with patients, we understanding the importance of building up the basics techniques in order to achieve greater skill (white belt to black belt), training the foundations to help you move again. We believe restoring movement should not be difficult when you are able to understand the elements which prevents it.

We merge the principles of traditional Martial Arts to our practice in physiotherapy and provide a realistic and holistic approach to management, working to strengthen the mind, body and spirit - the tools for overcoming obstacles.

“Maximum efficiency with minimum effort”
- Kanō Jigorō (Judo Founder)

Principle Physiotherapist: Tien Pham


  • APA Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist

  • APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

  • Registered International Sports Physical Therapist


  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy

  • Master in Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy

  • Master in Exercise Science (Strength and Conditioning)


  • Martial Arts Injury Rehabilitation

  • Optimising Sport Performance and Skills

  • Long term and Chronic, Complex Pain Presentations

  • Embracing individual’s history and cultural beliefs in injury management

  • Promotion of Physiotherapy Best Practice in the Vietnamese Community

  • Provision of physiotherapy Management to Vietnamese speaking population

Professional Memberships

  • Member - Australian College of Physiotherapy

  • Titled Member - Australian Physiotherapy Association

Career Highlights

  • Clinical Council - Adelaide Primary Health Network (PHN) - Current

  • Clinical Educator (MSK Placement) - Bachelor of Physiotherapy (University of South Australia) - Current

  • Presentation: Physiotherapy in the Vietnamese Community - Community Health and Wellbeing - Salisbury Council Vietnamese Program (South Australia) - 2023

  • Guest Lecturer - Master of Advanced Clinical Physiotherapy (University of South Australia) - “Martial Arts – Technique analysis and performance retraining/ rehabilitation” - 2021

  • Chair (2020 - 2021) - Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy (South Australia)

  • Presenter - Sports & Exercise Physio Association (South Australia) - “Bridging the Gap between Physiotherapy and Strength & Conditioning” - 2021

  • Guest Lecturer - Physio Concepts - “Bridging the Gap between Physiotherapy and Strength & Conditioning” (Punei, India) - 2019

  • Physiotherapist - 2018 Commonwealth Games (Gold Coast, Australia)

  • Australian Team Physiotherapist - World Taekwondo Hanmadang (South Korea) - 2018, 2013

  • Guest Lecturer - Yonsei University - “Gluteal Tendinopathy in Taekwondo Athletes (Wonju, South Korea) - 2013

Professional Development: DMA Clinical Pilates, Explain Pain 3 (Neuro Orthopaedic Institute - NOI group), Dry Needling in Sports and Spinal Injuries (A/Prof Jane Rooney), The Sporting Hip and Groin (Andrew Wallis), Optimising Return to Work (A/Prof Venerina Johnston), Shoulder Theory and Practice (Prof Jeremy Lewis), The Dancing Hip - Treatment and Management of Hip Injuries in Elite Dancers (Dr Sue Mayes), Mastering Lower Limb Tendinopathy (A/Prof Peter Mallinaris), Dynamic Stabilisation of the Hip & Pelvis (Dr Alison Grimaldi), A Cognitive Functional Approach to the Management of Low Back Pain Disorders (Prof Peter O’Sullivan), Sports Physiotherapy Level 1 & 2 (Australian Physiotherapy Association), Confidence in Disability Management (Australian Physiotherapy Association)